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Chicago editorial board: 'Worryingly,'
law-abiding gun owners defend themselves

By Matt Manda. June 20, 2024

Earlier this month, Chicagoans witnessed a weekend that saw at least 71 people shot. Tragically, nine of the victims died from their injuries. Just two weeks ago, Chicagoans survived a weekend that saw at least 44 people shot. Tragically, at least eight of the victims died from their injuries.

In a city where criminals know they can get away with violence and criminal shootings — even when police are involved — it's not surprising that law-abiding Chicagoans would consider arming themselves and, G-d forbid, having to use their firearm for self-defense or to protect their families.

That's just too much for The Chicago Tribune editorial board. The media masters there went out and did the most editorial board thing possible and decried such a trend.

"Worryingly, we're seeing more signs of that phenomenon in Chicago, with three separate episodes over the last weekend in which would-be victims proved to be both armed and willing to fire at their assailants," the board chose to write.

It must be nice to live in such an Ivory Tower. .....


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