A Significant Majority of
Criminals are Likely to be High

By George Devinny. Aug 9, 2024
This subject is extensive but we will take a brief look at the overall broad picture with regard to how it might affect our approaches to self defense, and perhaps more so, to have even more good reasons to avoid situations whenever possible. Much of this of course requires good use of spacial awareness as a prerequisite.
Mood influencing compounds are many, including many illegal drugs and also those prescribed (over prescribed?) for supposed medical conditions. It's worth looking at these with regard to how an assailant encounter might be experienced and how their behavior can be anything from bizarre to downright dangerous.
First, we are all uncomfortably used to 'recreational' drugs in society and all their many effects, which of course because of dependence result in crime simply for financing. That in itself can lead to assaults on the person with muggings and sometimes homicides in order to rob and steal. Furthermore and perhaps of equal or even greater importance are the psychotic effects surrounding drug use, promoting acts of violence.
The list of drugs in this category includes such popular offerings such as opiates (Percs, Oxy, Heroin, fentanyl etc), PCP (Phencyclidine), Ketamine, Crystal Meth, Cocaine (and derivatives), Ecstacy, and so on... it's a long list. This category of drugs will for the most part present with the most extreme effects, such as paranoia and aggression with a risk of unprovoked attack.

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