/ alerts2024 / alert20240912.htm


By William Barclay Masterson, AYS. September 12, 2024

This is the continuation and finale of my recent article called ARM UP! – LET MY PEOPLE KNOW, I used Jews and Israel as a metaphoric equivalency for Americans and America. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu equals former American President Trump. I hope you read it and it resonated within you.

My GREAT AMERICAN DAVID & GOLIATH CHALLENGE is really a metaphor based on the Old Testament story about the army of King Saul and the Nation of Israel vs. the Philistine army. According to the usual version of the story, the great Philistine giant called Goliath came to the forefront of the battle line to mock and challenge the Jews and (their) G-d. It was only David who was brave enough and had the courage to come forth, to accept the challenge to fight the over 9' tall giant. Armed with only his sling, five smooth stones, and his faith in the G-d of Israel, David swung one "round" and hit critical mass, right into Goliath's forehead. Thus, David had and used the world's first five-shot shooter! He felled the giant and killed him with Goliath's own sword. Miraculously, the Israelites had won!

And there you have it. Direct from David himself! … Wait for it …
Always carry, and have a folder or fixed blade with you, at all times!

My mythical Goliath in this election year 2024 has two heads, two deadly, demonic ways to destroy us. To defeat him like David, we must fight back for PROTECTION, to save our lives, and POLITICS, to save our Second Amendment rights. We are all possible Davids only if we address both. .....


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