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Opinion: Should firearms background
check system be abolished?

By Dan Wos. Mar 6, 2025

To some people, firearm background checks are accepted and considered a way to prevent bad guys from getting guns. They're completely wrong, and here's why.

The background check system, otherwise known as the "government hijacking of a God-given right and selling it back to you as a government-issued privilege," is unconstitutional and dangerous to law-abiding citizens.

As we inch our way toward state-to-state reciprocity with constitutional carry in our major cities, we recognize that many states not only require a government-issued permission slip to carry a gun but also make it almost impossible to obtain that permit. Even if you can make it through the rat maze of training, fees, background checks, storage requirements, magazine capacity limitations, and a list of other constitution-violating requirements, most of society is off limits to you and your firearm because many state gun laws have deemed public and even private places gun-free zones.

The idea of undergoing and passing background checks as a prerequisite to exercising the Second Amendment should have never been a thought even in the darkest corners of the most communist minds of the most radical left-wing ideologues, not only because it violates the rights of American citizens but also because it puts undeserving Americans in legal jeopardy and in physical danger. .....


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