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A New York State of Mind



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By David Codrea, January 2nd 2015
JPFO writer contributor, © 2014.

“It’s not a slowdown – it’s a virtual work stoppage,” the New York Post reports about a police reaction to two of their ranks being slain and to Mayor Bill DeBlasio fanning anti-cop sentiment in the black community. “It has helped contribute to a nose dive in low-level policing, with overall arrests down 66 percent for the week starting Dec. 22 compared with the same period in 2013, stats show.”

In light of recent developments nationwide since events in Ferguson and agitation from race profiteers began ginning violent anti-police sentiment in urban areas nationwide, it might be prudent to anticipate what it would take to precipitate a nose dive in high-level policing. It’s not hard to conceive of situations becoming so dangerous that those who wear uniforms will think twice about responding in certain areas, leaving citizens in those neighborhoods on their own.

Calls for deadly violence expressed on social media, with Twitter hashtags like #onlydeadcops, #wingsonpigs and #laughatyourdeaths, reveal a deep hatred that some, like the executioner of NYPD officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, appear increasingly ready to act on. Understanding that a 56 percent increase of officers killed with guns in 2014 (note the Associated Press, in true Joe Biden-approved “legitimate news media” fashion phrases it “by guns”) does not a trend make, the perception that it does, especially at a time of such heightened tensions, only increases the likelihood police will either be unwilling to maintain a visible presence, or will react with public-endangering force reflective of increased desperation.

That’s not mere speculation – there is precedent. For the first example, just look to the hundreds of New Orleans officers who deserted their posts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, putting their personal concerns first. For the second, consider how panicked California law enforcement became when a former officer went rogue and led them on an extended manhunt, leading to a “shoot first” mentality. Cops opened fire on two newspaper delivery women in one instance and a hapless motorist in another because they were in vehicles similar to the one the suspect had been reported driving.

New York citizens will be caught in a bind if things continue to escalate, especially if more successful deadly surprise attacks on police occur. With a uniformed strength of 34,500, NYPD’s operational jurisdiction covers almost 470 square miles with a population approaching 8.5 million. That’s a lot of territory and people to try and keep under control. And when enforcement loses its grip, as we’ve seen time and again, most recently in Ferguson as buildings burned and Oath Keepers provided protection in spite of civil authority, the ability of citizens, especially those in high crime areas, to protect themselves is further hampered by New York City’s draconian anti-gun edicts. If things do get worse, and with threats to kill more officers on New Year’s Eve, or “Kill a Pig Night” as gangs are calling it, there’s no reason other than a wish for good fortune to assume they won’t, the largely unarmed “law-abiding” population will be defenseless. The ones who won’t be unarmed go by names like Mac Baller Brims, and Latin Kings, and Gorilla Stone Bloods.

It’s too bad the main mouthpiece for the officers on the street, Patrick Lynch of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, has advocated so strongly for ramping up the edicts that only make sure those inclined to obey them will be helpless should the thugs now taking aim at his membership turn their attention to unarmed prey.

Patrick Lynch

“I would like to express the personal and professional thanks of 25,000 active New York City police officers for The Post's efforts to put some strength into existing gun laws," Lynch wrote back in 2005. "The New York City PBA will stand shoulder to shoulder with the New York Post in its effort to force the changes in Albany that will give some judicial muscle to New York's anti-gun laws."

Perhaps when enough citizens realize the police can’t protect them and won’t allow them to protect themselves, their attitudes and political choices will change, or at least their inclination against proud and defiant civil disobedience. Some of us would love to help, but we can’t force people not to enslave or harm themselves. Meanwhile, those of us who already know the score will continue to protect ourselves and our rights, and oppose that New York state of mind whenever the fascist Mayor of Everytown tries to impose it beyond the five boroughs.

David Codrea is a field editor at GUNS Magazine, penning their monthly "Rights Watch" column. He provides regular reporting and commentary at Gun Rights Examiner and blogs at The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance. David Codrea's Archive page.

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