Government Fees Discourage
Concealed Carry- summary

By Rob Morse. August 25th, 2017
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11 million disarmed
Thirty states issue concealed carry permits to the law abiding citizens who ask for them. Two third of us live in those “shall-issue” states where we were issued 14 million permits to carry a concealed firearm in public. We paid to exercise that “right.” The state mandated fees and training requirements vary widely from state to state. States that imposed more hours of training also imposed high fees. Ordinary citizens responded to those costs in predictable ways. Millions of us were discouraged from legal concealed carry due to the costs and restrictions.
May issue, shall issue, and unrestricted carry states
Politicians impose all kinds of requirements before citizens receive permission to carry a concealed firearm in public. The common excuse is public safety, and there is always another infringement that can be rationalized to make us safer. We paid over 4 billion dollars and spent over 65 million hours in class to receive our carry permits. We did this to exercise the human right to keep and bear arms. The burdensome fees and training requirements disarmed approximately 11 million US citizens. There is no evidence that these gun-control infringements actually reduce crime. More than twice as many of us would carry concealed if unrestricted carry, (also called constitutional carry) were the law of the land.
Disarming 11 million people is an infringement
that even a liberal judge should understand.
Those costs are not spread evenly or fairly. The costs are also paid in more than money and time. Gun-control disproportionately disarms the poor. Poor people, particularly those who live in our inner city, face a greater risk of crime and violence. They are significantly more likely to be victims of violent crime than the average US citizen.
Disarming those of us who are at the greatest risk of crime puts more of us in danger and costs lives.
Part one- state imposed costs to obtain a permit
Part two- the effect of monetary fees on the rate of concealed carry
Part three- the effect of mandated training on the rate of concealed carry
Part four- deregulating concealed carry and the true cost of infringement
The links shown at the bottom of this summary article go to the pages of the main analysis parts one through four, which deal with many details. There is little doubt that there are a large numbers of cases where the costs and hurdles involved in obtaining "permission" to carry a defensive firearm greatly limit uptake, where constitutional carry is unavailable as an option.

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