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Second-Amendment Sanctuaries Defend
Civil Rights Across the US

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Second Amendment Sanctuaries

By Rob Morse. November 25, 2019
Original Source

I'm slow, but I eventually put the pieces together. The bad news is that more state governments are infringing on our rights. The good news is that local governments stood up to protect us. We are seeing a large and growing movement across the country where local governments stand up to protect our right of self-defense. We have well established second-amendment sanctuary counties in Colorado, Illinois, New Mexico, and Washington. We're seeing a new bloom of them in other states. The growth is so rapid, that I know the graphic is out of date.

The second-amendment sanctuary movement started years ago. I remember when counties in Colorado said they would not enforce the recently passed magazine capacity limits. There were many downstate counties in Illinois who told the Chicago-controlled legislature that they would 'keep their guns, thank you'. Counties in New York passed second-amendment sanctuary bills after the infamous New York SAFE Act was passed in the middle of the night.

The sanctuary movement accelerated when New Mexico politicians promised to pass anti-gun legislation. The vast majority of New Mexico counties responded with second-amendment sanctuary legislation of their own.

The anti-gun politicians in Florida proposed a raft of gun-control after the attack at a Florida high school. Several Florida counties said they would protect their children with guns.. and without the help of Tallahassee. Most recently, the governors of Virginia and Texas proposed sweeping gun control. Many counties replied with, "Come and Take It"

The states without sanctuary bills fall into two widely separated camps. They are the extreme anti-rights states like New Jersey, and the pro-rights states like Utah. Some see no hope, and some see no need.

Proposals for mandatory confiscation and taxes on guns and ammunition accelerated the sanctuary movement into high gear. This finally became personal for many gun owners. Gun owners went to a local meeting to let their voice be heard. The pro-rights organization Gun Owners of America provided model legislation for sanctuary counties, and that helped.

Sanctuary bills are re-writing the map in states where "There is nothing we can do to stop the gun-grabbers in the capital." It turns out that there is a lot we can do, and you are doing it.

Look at the model legislation, and send a copy to
your local representatives and your local gun club.


I'll update this list as I learn more. RM

Alaska state wide
Arizona several
California some
Colorado many
Florida several
Idaho state wide
Illinois over half the counties
Kansas state wide
Maryland several
Montana 2A sanctuary state
Nevada several counties
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico 52 out of 62 counties
New York one
North Carolina one now two
North Dakota
Oregon 13 of 36 counties
Pennsylvania some
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
Tennessee several
Texas several
Washington several
West Virginia
Wisconsin some
Wyoming state wide

Tennessee "


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