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By William Barclay Masterson. Apr 5, 2024

As you may have guessed from the picture and the "let my people go" Moses reference changed to "let my people know" (which I borrowed from Rabbi Steinsaltz), this article is being written for my fellow Jews. But please, if you are not Jewish, keep reading! If you love freedom, liberty, the Second Amendment, and your G-d given constitutionally protected right of self-defense, I know you will. You must, as I most assuredly want you to know too. I want all my people to know! Knowledge is power. Ignorance is victimhood. So what I am about to reveal is absolutely true for absolutely everyone! It also sets up a shorter but very powerful follow-up article called THE GREAT AMERICAN DAVID & GOLIATH CHALLENGE. Watch for it in the not-too-distant future on a computer screen near you. It is also meant for absolutely everyone. That's the whole point of both articles.


First, a little recent history. It is necessary to fully appreciate what is happening now …

Since the inhuman, treacherous October 7, 2023 attack on Israel by Hamas, reported incidents of hatred against Jews in the United States are up by a whopping 360%. Keep in mind, that outrageous number reflects only the reported occurrences. G-d only knows how high the actual number is. Before October 7, we were already the #1 target of haters. And to be honest, these skyrocketing trends are seen all over Europe and beyond as well. Oh how the world hates Jews, and always has! Oh how so many in the world live to kill Jews, and always have! Remember, Israel is the Little Satan. America is the Big Satan. "From the river to the sea" (the Jordan to the Mediterranean), so many want us dead and gone. Sadly, they mean it. How do we know? Because it's in their scriptures. They admit it. And worst of all, they will never stop.

Bibi Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, is the Winston Churchill of our time. G-d bless this great man. Just a few days ago, President Biden (the President of the United States or the President of the Democrat Party, I'm not sure) was caught admitting "Bibi needs to have a come to Jesus moment." I hope you realize how repulsive this is to a Jew. He has also called Bibi "a bad f--king guy." This is the same U.S. president who won't let Israel take care of business in order to save the Jewish homeland from unending attack. He literally asks Israel to stand down as he heavily funds Iran. This is crazy!

Biden has blood on his hands. He hates Bibi, Israel, and Jews. Of late, he's dropped the two masks of doubletalk and openly threatens Israel if they don't do as he says. At this very moment, Biden is slow-walking sending precious ammunition to Israel and as a result, the Jewish state must ration ammunition and is at increased risk. How many innocent Israelis (Jew and Gentile) could be killed as a result? To be crystal clear, this is the same president who gives billions of our hard-earned tax payer money to Iran, who then uses it to fund Hamas to attack Jews. This is the same president who insists on a two-state solution which would be in absolute, undeniable fact, the final solution (G-d forbid) for Israel. This is political and human insanity on sick, evil display!

Senator Chuck U. Schumer (who has publicly threatened the safety of Supreme Court Justices he doesn't like) is now publicly calling for new elections in Israel to get rid of Bibi, the duly elected prime minister by the people of Israel, not Schumer! Nauseatingly true! This is how he treats our long-time ally, a democratic country. President Biden has refused to condemn this horrific position made worse (if such a thing is possible) during a time of war. Hard to believe, but also true!

Where and when do the tyrannical bullying and threats from this Marxist administration currently in power end? Here is yet more election interfering, as President Obama previously did against Bibi, again with our tax payer money. Israel could (G-d forbid) lose the war because of Biden's interference and at this point, that would be the end of the Jewish state. Make no mistake. The remarks and actions mentioned here can all be seen as supporting evil, helping evil to prevail, and giving permission to those who wish to steal the Jewish state and kill all Jews, everywhere. This is beyond madness!

It is undeniable that the Democrat party is no friend of Bibi, Israel, or the Jews. Here are four simple equivalencies that tell the tale of what the Democrats are doing.

1. Bibi is hated and being politically interfered with as is President Trump, ever since he came down the escalator. Netanyahu = Trump.

2. Israel is being targeted and destroyed as traditional Americans and America are being targeted and destroyed (Trump = Hitler, America must be fundamentally transformed; MAGA conservatives = an existential threat, supported by all the propaganda designed to weaken and gaslight the uninformed). What kind of US president has ever spoken this way? EVER? Israel = America.

3. Withholding ammunition from Israel equates with relentless attacks on our Second Amendment. The firepower in both countries is under attack. They want us to be weak and pliable to their orders. Just obey, put on your mask of obedience, sit down in your gun free zone and shut up, or you will be severely punished! Both countries are being so threatened. Israel = America.

4. By not allowing Israel to win, Biden is destroying Israel exactly as he is destroying traditional America. His policies force open borders, allow millions of illegals to permanently corrupt voting and electoral apportionment, cause deliberate runaway inflation, less oil and gas which will strangle our economy, the planned electrical grid overload, education and medical issues, all the drugs coming in that kill so many, all the crimes, and the destruction of all the many systems in play that were already working, as we traditionally work to make America exceptional. This will (by design) suffocate and permanently change us. They are slowly stealing our various freedoms and liberties, how we choose to live our lives, and yes of course, that includes our personal decisions when we choose to exercise our Second Amendment rights. This is the Cloward and Piven strategy in action. By overloading and destroying literally every pillar of our society and lives, they are torpedoing, regulating, and forcing you to accept and obey their edicts in virtually every aspect of your life. Israel = America.

Let that sink in. Both countries are being destroyed a little more each day, right before our eyes. Elected leaders and those in political opposition are being immorally and unethically attacked and overwhelmed by the Democrat's "lawfare." Otherwise law-abiding citizens are being silenced and financially ruined as a result, completely destroyed and hopelessly swallowed up by the government machine, and the bottomless pit of Deep State personnel and resources that we fund and pay for with our tax money. They are then tried by political hacks in kangaroo courts in solid blue states, and jailed. They lose their freedom, businesses, all their savings, property, and reputations, for no other reason than being the political target of yet another political hit job. The famous line attributed to Stalin's monstrous secret police chief called Lavrentiy Beria, "show me the man and I'll find you the crime," is very much in play these days. And if they can do it to President Trump (and they are), they can do it to anyone, including you.

And of course, the G-d given right of self-defense is always being challenged and weakened nonstop. It's never about justice and public safety. Quite the contrary. There are now two tiers of justice, and public safety is a distant memory. It's always about power and control to destroy all opposition. Imagine the possibility of Biden running unopposed because Trump will be in jail. The term Banana Republic comes to mind.

The Democrat party (made up of so many self-hating Jews like Senator Bernie Sanders, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, and Schumer) is also no friend of Israel, about half of America, and a minority of American Jews who do care and are paying attention. The party's long history proves this! Actually, self-hating Jews do have a religion. It's just not Judaism. It's entirely ideological. Their faith is their party! As "the great one" Mark Levin says, "there, I said it!"

And yet, an estimated 70% of American Jews routinely, reflexively vote Democrat. And an estimated 70% of American Jews are against the Second Amendment and our G-d given right to self-defend! These rights do not come from any politician, with their own security detail that we pay for. These rights come from G-d. These beliefs are part of our founding principles, the very building blocks of our country. They are inalienable.

Despite their constitutional oath to preserve, protect, and defend these rights along with the rest of the Constitution, Biden, Blinken, Sanders, Schumer and all those of their ilk (hardened Marxists that they are) do not believe in the word "inalienable!" We have next to nothing in common with them. All they believe in is the acquisition of power and its unending continuity tightly wound around and inside their deeply clenched fists. They want one-party rule with no opposition, if only they can pull it off. And if they do, we will lose our country. America as we know it will be gone. Our First Amendment religious freedom and Second Amendment rights would no doubt vanish as well.

How any Jew could vote for any politician or party that embraces tyrannical Marxism is unthinkable. To do so is to vote to destroy yourself, your rights and freedoms, America, Israel (the one and only Jewish state), the Jewish people, and even the world. My only rational conclusion to explain any of this, is that these otherwise intelligent Jews and so many others are chronically uninformed. They simply do not know nor understand factual truth when it comes to politics. Instead, they are full of very well-programmed hate and propaganda. That's what years of gaslighting does. There's really no mystery to it.

Our Second Amendment is perched atop a monstrous, cancerous, anti-Constitution iceberg created by the Marxist left. We must defeat it at the ballot box. We must also understand the history and lies of what is lurking beneath the deep dark murky depths of pure political evil, manifesting as hands uncontrollably grabbing for total control. If we Second Amendment people only concern ourselves with firearms, holsters, and the latest fashionable eye and ear protection at the range, we will lose. We must fight back hard to defend and keep all our rights and freedoms, not just the Second Amendment. That is why all of this is a matter of such great importance.

I firmly believe (especially after the Holocaust) that American Jews have the moral authority to both champion and symbolize the importance of our Second Amendment. That is why (and it pains me to admit this) that the 70% of Jews who are anti-2A is so damn sad. Whether they themselves are personally interested in exercising their G-d given right to own a firearm is not the issue. The issues are (1) they are largely against it for others, (2) they vote in personal ignorance and political irresponsibility for politicians who are against the 2A, and (3) as a result, Jews as well as other innocent people will be needlessly killed, all because they were unconstitutionally denied their G-d given right to defend themselves.

With all the millions of illegals (mostly military aged men) breaking our laws as they pour over our borders, the chances of increased crime (murder, rape, riots, mass looting, squatting), and larger and larger attacks (G-d forbid 9/11-type) are already being seen all over the country and all over the world. Oh what damn fools we are to vote for blinded ideologues who force their societal garbage down our throats for their own political reasons. As a result, innocent people suffer!

That such a large majority of Jews can't understand the importance of being able to personally guard against imminent hate and violence by paying daily attention to the politics of our deeply troubled time is inexplicable to me. Thousands of years of history and sacrifice has been taken for granted and forgotten by far too many. I expect more from my fellow Jews who don't realize the importance of all their freedoms, including religion and firearms, and that ALL OF THEM ARE POLITICAL.

Socially, culturally, politically, financially, criminologically, historically, life in America circa 2024 is as dangerous as it is uncertain. It has never been in worse shape, at least since World War II. Too many Americans need to shake off their modern complacency and wake up. This is especially true for Jews. We all speak of "Never Again," but because so many are too busy and distracted, they don't realize that Never Again is happening RIGHT NOW. It's happening right before our eyes, if only we'd care enough to keep them open. Sometimes in frustration, I wish I could blow a shofar – the ram's horn of WAKE UP and LISTEN – right into the ears of some of my fellow Jews!

High levels of crime being what they are, the rule of thumb for most gun owners who choose to EDC, is to carry the largest gun that they (1) can and actually will carry, (2) do practice with, and (3) become and stay proficient with. But since I realize that so many Jews and non-Jews alike are not interested in firearms, may or will never be interested in firearms, or may even have hoplophobia (a clinical fear of firearms), I asked myself an honest question: "WHAT ABOUT THEM AND THEIR SAFETY?" Are they condemned to victimhood? No. ARM UP!

Always be Ready to your Max. U Prepare

All sincerely dedicated, responsible gun owners by definition continually read, study, and train. When they get dressed each and every morning, they know how to ARM-UP! They carefully choose what they will carry for the day, and never leave home without being "fully dressed" everywhere they legally can carry. In order to maximize their relative safety, they accept that (1) it is better to have it and not need it, than (G-d forbid) need it and not have it. (2) While concealed carry is not always 100% comfortable, it is better to enjoy the comforting feeling of ARM UP! It's like home, fire, and car insurance. Every day you don't need it, is a good day. You never want to need it. Same with emergency food. If you throw it out after 25 years because you never needed it, again, that's a very good thing.

My concept of ARM UP! is meant for you, everyone you know, and everyone you don't know. I want everyone at the very minimum, to at least know enough to be safer in a very unsafe and uncertain world. My idea is meant for virtually everyone walking on two feet, with a cane, in a wheelchair, EVERYONE. In my short but powerful follow-up article THE GREAT AMERICAN DAVID & GOLLIATH CHALLENGE, I will give you a continuing homework assignment that will not only be life changing, but possibly life saving. But for now, here are some very preliminary things you absolutely positively need to do, and need to take to heart when you do them. Do means take action. If you don't, reading my words alone is just a waste of time. Believe me, I have no time to waste, yours or mine. I'm talking about saving lives here!

Read a good book or two on self-defense, that's self-preservation! Go to some lectures by experts in your area. Sign up for hands-on self-defense training. You'll wear some comfortable clothes, get on the floor, and learn basic moves and maneuvers that when necessary, will save countless lives, as they have for generations past.

Even if you believe (from some inappropriate and very regrettable learning in your past) that the mere sight of a firearm is worthy of an "oiy," purchase a tac pen. That's a tactical pen. Learn how to use this very special aid (think ice pick) and always carry it with you. Its real purpose as a force multiplier will always go unseen.

Purchase some pepper spray, or as I personally prefer and recommend (especially to the ladies), pepper gel. It's much more wind resistant and shoots out further, about 16-18 feet. It marks the bad guy (who is about to do you physical harm) with a dye on his face, puts him on the ground helpless, physically incapacitated, and gives you time to quickly get away and immediately call the police. The teacher at your self-defense class will give you proper instruction as to how, when, and when not to do all these things. And sadly, regrettably, I must urge you to check your local laws before carrying anything in your pocket. If you live in a loony Left state like New York, you could be breaking the law; a stupid, irresponsible, unconstitutional law. As the great Dan Bongino says if you live in a state like New York, "move away as fast as you can. Don't get dead."

I bet that your teacher will begin with something that you will never ever stop doing, everywhere you go, and everywhere you are, even in a city/state like New York. It's called situational awareness. This alone could save your life!

Well, now you know the first half of what I want my people (and all people) to minimally know, do, and why. It isn't hard for everyone to responsibly ARM UP! to their personal comfort level. Hopefully, you will continue learning and want to ARM UP! even more. This could be just the beginning of significantly increasing your personal safety, and the responsibilities that go with it. I hope so.

Knowledge is power. Ignorance is victimhood. I always vote for power! And that means applying knowledge and continuing training and practice. I say continuing because these skills are all perishable. Like a violin player, you must practice your skills.

There is never a reason to have nothing on you. Never! You must always have some level of preparedness and readiness with you, at all times. Why? Because you never know when and where the worst day of your life might be lurking. That's why something is always better than nothing. And something is always up to you. Personal responsibility is always up to you. You are always your first responder. You! The Big Brother nanny state, the Deep State blob, and the unjust Mobocracy can't help you when the next few seconds of your life could very well determine your future, or lack thereof. You may not have one. And that's why ARM UP! is so important.

Please understand. The government doesn't care about you. They hate you. So they certainly don't care about your personal safety. It's all about their power and control over you. What they solely care about and want from you, is to control your freedom and liberty to go and do, not as you please, but as they please. And of all the freedoms they are unconstitutionally grabbing and regulating – that means stealing away from you – the Second Amendment is just one of them!

Synagogues are being torched and shot up all over the world, even in America. Jews are getting sucker punched, beat up, mugged and murdered all over the world, even in America. Crime is skyrocketing everywhere worldwide, regardless of race, religion, gender, or pronouns. None of that matters to them. It's collateral damage. They need you to be weak, defenseless, and most important of all, manageable.

Jew or gentile … had enough yet?

Coming soon: THE GREAT AMERICAN DAVID & GOLIATH CHALLENGE. Together, we can all fight back and make sure we keep our Second Amendment, keep our country, and remain American citizens instead of American subjects.

© 2024, Copyright by William Barclay Masterson


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