It removed all doubt about freedom's domestic enemies

by Alan Korwin. Jan 8, 2024
Americans suffered through nearly three years of the Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax, perpetrated by vengeful immoral American citizens and corrupt "news" media. Many of our officials, your neighbors, bedrock corporations and political operatives jumped on this fictitious bandwagon to attack what we hold dear, with remarkable effectiveness.
Despite the fact that it was totally perverse, thought crime and invented "facts" held sway. Our long-time mortal enemy Russian commies could not possibly be allied with champions of The American Way, but people believed.
This was important, because it showed us how far communists and their U.S. sympathizers (brainwashed useful idiots) would go to wield power. This was a new kind of deviant power, one that gunpowder cannot easily dislodge. Thought crime does not yield easily to revolvers, pistols and longuns. Who do you shoot when mess media tells you good people are bad, or the worst people are the good guys? The Marxist axis promoting delusional anti-gun anti-liberty narratives had neutered your firearms and ammunition.
While it was on, in its heyday, people believed. Collusion! An invented lie, bolstered by a fabricated report paid for and created under she-who-we-were-with, set wheels in motion. It was straight from central casting for totalitarians—lie long enough and loud enough and people fall in line. They've been doing that to our guns since the 1960s, when Mouseketeers still twirled six shooters.
Minds that couldn't be swayed with intense anti-gun-rights rhetoric suddenly had new direction. Collusion! The commies (they said Russians to keep themselves less obvious) secretly worked with… the President! Our guns were a mere pimple on this elephant's butt. Gun nuts, their derogatory slur for us deplorables, didn't count in the big scheme of things. My how the world has changed since the Founders ensured we'd all be well armed. For safety. For peace. For security. And for balance of power.
The hoax has now been completely exposed.
In court records, news reports, confessions of perps who promoted it, there never was any collusion between Mr. Trump, Vladimir Putin and our two nations. It was a lie. A big lie. Some people still believe the lie, probably always will, their fear and hatred so strong facts don't matter. "Facts don't matter" was the subject of my last month's column. Guns can't solve that either.
So take this a step further. The really big lie, that the past election was "the most secure in history," has also been proven false (but still mindlessly repeated). The numbers of indisputable "irregularities" in the election were gigantic and too numerous to ignore. Even voting dates were changed, without legislation, to accommodate a "more secure" election. What nonsense.
I've written extensively about how anti-rights gunophobes barely have a legitimate leg on which to stand. In a series of columns in 2017 and beyond, I dismantled all their myths, summing it up, "If it weren't for gun myths, they'd have no arguments at all." Remember? Invisible guns. Saturday night specials. Carry permits will yield shootouts at stop lights. Blood in the streets. Dodge City. Hunting rifles are sniper guns. Safe gun-free zones. Every bit false, concocted.
"If it weren't for gun myths,
they'd have no arguments at all."
Media bought it, politicians bought it, schools bought it hard. The public went along after endless drubbing, lacking any brainwashing detergent. You, a real gun owner, you knew your gun was no threat to civilization as we know it. You faced stupendous odds and loud voices against you everywhere. Still do.
Gun ownership may seem like it stabilizes the ramparts against infringement and encroachment of our rights, but it is merely the canary in the coal mine. Hoaxes and disinformation proliferate in so many areas of human interest and national endeavor. The arms we bear are just the tip of the spear, with officials' spears aimed at us always and at all times. Look what else free people now face—which guns can't cure:
- Government spending—without constitutional authority or approvals
- Borders without barriers—and massive illegal immigration tipping the scales
- Electric and gasoline energy costs out of sight—not just inflated
- Food prices inflated beyond reach—bought a good steak lately?
- Two-parent homes sneered at—discouraged by federal handouts
- Diversity-equity-inclusion—an evil remake of differences, equality, free will
- Cities overrun with homeless camps—don't go there even if you're armed
- Rampant unpunished crime—and a complicit judiciary
- Hopelessly phony racism claims—the people charging racism are the racists
- Elections that few but the corrupt and elites trust
- Corrupt politicians—little change there
- Divide and conquer by race—Marxist class-warfare tactic turned to skin color
- Schools that consume fortunes but don't educate—with no one fired
- Mob violence deemed "peaceful demonstrations"—and left unpunished
- Defacing and degrading public institutions—total lack of respect
- Denigrating long-standing customs—like families, religion, rule of law
- Even capitalism—lifting people from poverty, improving lives globally yet trashed by leftist agitators with no alternative solutions to misery
- Censorship at every level—with serious calls to eliminate free speech
- Depraved degenerate behavior elevated to artform
These Marxist results join lists of phony-baloney tripe promoted by wokeism leftists grabbing power. They needn't shoot you, so you don't shoot back. It's so clever. Marksmanship and range time remain important, to be sure, but you need more and better strategies to defeat the enemies of liberty. Is voting secure enough to matter?
800-223-4570 •
Award-winning author Alan Korwin has written 14 books, ten of them on gun law, and has advocated for gun rights for nearly three decades. See his work or reach him at

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