/ articles-2024 / jpfo-fundraising-6-7-24.htm

JPFO June Fundraising

JPFO Needs Your Help Today
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JPFO depends on you to help us keep fighting against those who want to disarm you. Like any other war, the war against guns is won by skill, will and wealth. With you beside us, we can continue to fight this war against tyranny.

Antisemitism is on the rise alongside the cultural daemons of anti-liberty, pro-enslavement, and disarmament. We need your continued support in this fight.

You can visit our store to join or renew your membership, buy JPFO products, and donate.

Your urgently-needed support is extremely important to JPFO today. Please make a contribution now. It is very much need at this critical time.

With your steadfast support, JPFO will perpetually safeguard our precious liberties.

Donate Today

Thank you so much for your support!

Thanks for your commitment to this fight and for helping win it!
Yours in Freedom,
James Jones
Projects Director & Sentinel Editor - JPFO
P (800) 869-1884
12500 NE 10th Pl, Bellevue, WA 98005
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