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By Edward Meyman. Aug 28 2024
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"If someone comes to kill you, rise up and kill him first." — Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 72a1


The topic of the Second Amendment and its relationship with the American Jewish community is a rich tapestry woven with complexity and contention. Although many Jewish politicians and community leaders advocate for stricter gun control laws, a stance often perceived as anti-Second Amendment, the historical narrative of Jewish persecution and the contemporary rise of antisemitism powerfully argue that the Jewish community, perhaps more than any other, should deeply appreciate the importance of the Second Amendment and personal self-defense.

A Soviet Jewish Perspective

Individuals of Jewish descent who lived a part of their lives in the former Soviet Union understand the significance of the Second Amendment from a unique vantage point. They observed, and many personally felt, the paralyzing powerlessness of disarmed citizens in a society where the government held unyielding control. The oppressive nature of the regime was only possible because the populace was disarmed and left vulnerable, effectively squashing any potential opposition.

This firsthand experience underscores the profound implications of the Second Amendment, extending far beyond personal safety. Indeed, the right to bear arms becomes crucial when viewed in the context of a citizen's relationship with the state. It is more than just a guarantee of personal protection; it's an assurance of a balance of power between the government and its citizens, a safeguard against potential tyranny.

The right to bear arms is, therefore, viewed as a fundamental pillar of democracy, serving not just to empower citizens, but also to act as a constant reminder to the government of the collective strength of its people. This experience from the Soviet Union, where such balance was absent, emphasizes the importance of the Second Amendment in preserving democratic freedoms and resisting governmental oppression.

The Second Amendment as a Democratic Safeguard

The Second Amendment acts as a safeguard against potential governmental overreach. Rooted in the belief that an armed populace serves as a deterrent to tyranny, this perspective resonates profoundly with those who have witnessed oppressive regimes firsthand. The right to bear arms transcends its status as a mere legal provision; it is an essential bulwark that strengthens democracy, standing firm against the encroachment of oppressive forces.

History, if not actively commemorated, shared, and scrutinized through the lens of unassailable core principles, has a tendency to fade from collective memory. The chilling horrors of the Holocaust, the brutalities perpetrated in the gulags of the Soviet Union, and numerous other acts of violence against disarmed and powerless populations must serve as stark reminders. The danger resides not merely in forgetting these historical atrocities but in succumbing to the complacent belief that 'it could never happen here.' We must remember the disconcerting ease with which societies can devolve from democracy into tyranny when the balance of power shifts excessively towards the state.

Groups Advocating for Jewish Gun Ownership

Organizations like "Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO)" symbolize the alignment of Jewish history and values with the principles of the Second Amendment. They underscore the necessity of the right to bear arms for Jewish people, both as a means of personal protection and as a safeguard against potential tyranny. Their work demonstrates a keen understanding of the importance of this constitutional right within the Jewish community, serving as an example of an unpolluted Jewish perspective that highlights the significance of self-defense and individual liberties.

Critiquing the Majority Stance

The prevailing stance among American Jews, which advocates for more stringent gun control regulations, merits rigorous analysis. This majority view, often interpreted as anti-Second Amendment, is not only misguided but perilously naïve. This stance proposes a framework that could inadvertently undermine the solemn memory of Holocaust victims and disregard critical lessons learned from our history of powerlessness and persecution.

The Holocaust remains an indelible testament to the atrocities that can befall an unarmed and defenseless populace. Millions of lives were extinguished in ways that stripped them of their basic human rights, leaving an indelible scar on the pages of our history. Jews, largely incapacitated, were left defenseless, deprived of even the opportunity to die in defiance or combat, a fundamental aspect of personal dignity in such dire circumstances. Acknowledging the necessity of individual self-defense serves as a solemn homage to the eternal memory of these victims while also providing a bulwark against the repetition of such monstrous horrors.

The ethos of "Never Again," birthed from the ruinous remnants of the Holocaust, resonates profoundly within our communal psyche. It stands as a robust reminder of our imperative to preserve individual freedoms and shield ourselves from potential architects of such monstrous events. In this regard, the right of individuals to bear arms becomes irrevocably entwined with our unwavering commitment to stymie the resurgence of history's most ominous epochs.

As such, it is incumbent upon us to navigate the discourse surrounding the Second Amendment with acute sensitivity, cognizant of the invaluable lessons that our history has taught us. Through thoughtful introspection, we can outline a future that respects our shared past, honors the memory of the victims, and upholds our collective responsibility to protect and promote our individual freedoms.

Challenging Political Illusions

As strong proponents of the Second Amendment, it's necessary to first address historical lessons that underline the vital importance of the right to bear arms in safeguarding individual liberties and democratic principles. One chilling example comes from Nazi Germany, as depicted in Stephen P. Halbrook's book, "Gun Control in the Third Reich: Disarming the Jews and 'Enemies of the State'". Halbrook comprehensively demonstrates how the Nazi regime exploited gun control laws from the Weimar Republic, including firearm registration records, to systematically disarm citizens, particularly targeting Jews, in a rigorous manner.

Additional examples come from the Russian Revolution of 1917, where the Bolsheviks effectively disarmed the populace, and from Italy in 1926, where Mussolini's Fascist regime implemented laws that severely restricted private firearm ownership. These instances in history serve as potent reminders of the inherent dangers when citizens are disarmed and left defenseless against oppression.

In our view, an armed citizenry forms the cornerstone of a free, democratic society, ensuring personal safety. The right to bear arms empowers individuals, allowing them to take an active part in the defense of their personal safety and collective freedoms. This fundamental right guarantees individual security and acts as a deterrent to those who might exploit the disarmed and vulnerable, including common criminals or an overreaching government.

Taking into account the lessons history has taught us, we cast a skeptical eye on current political illusions and false promises. One flawed premise is the notion of "give us your weapons, and we'll protect you." This stance not only views citizens as passive dependents on state protection, but also undermines our collective intelligence by making promises without providing a framework of performance checks and measures. It lacks transparency and accountability, with no action plan or recourse in case of non-performance or failure.

More than that, it fails to recognize citizens as active agents in their own safety. It presupposes that the government and its law enforcement agencies can and will provide flawless protection at all times—an assumption that isn't backed by empirical evidence or historical precedent. By entrusting the state with sole responsibility for public safety, it glosses over the limitations and inherent shortcomings of any large-scale protective system.

We assert that this stance is not just misguided; it's dangerously naïve. It undermines the principle of individual responsibility, erodes public trust, and places citizens at potential risk by fostering a false sense of security. This is why we persistently advocate for the preservation of individual rights and responsibilities, viewing the right to self-defense, as enshrined in the Second Amendment, as paramount. The right to bear arms equips citizens with the means to protect themselves and their families and instills a sense of personal responsibility for their own safety.

While the police play an imperative role in maintaining law and order, their role is largely reactive, and their response times are inherently affected by travel distances, logistical challenges, limited resources, and the unpredictability of emergencies. Even in ideal scenarios, police can't arrive instantly, whereas every fraction of a second counts in a dire situation. Furthermore, various court cases affirm that the police do not bear a constitutional duty to protect individual citizens, clarifying that exclusive reliance on police protection isn't a wise strategy. The responsibility for personal safety and the first tier of protection, thus, lies with the individuals themselves.

Given these realities, it becomes paramount that individuals have the legal right and practical means to protect themselves in times of immediate danger. The right to bear arms thus serves as an essential tool for citizens to fulfill this personal safety responsibility.

Our understanding of history underlines the critical role of the Second Amendment in preserving and protecting democratic principles. The tales of Nazi Germany, Bolshevik Russia, and Fascist Italy serve as potent reminders of the inherent dangers in a disarmed populace. These historical lessons drive our staunch advocacy for the preservation of the Second Amendment, not merely as a safeguard for individual liberties, but as a foundational pillar of our democratic society.

Our perspective extends beyond the simple assertion of personal self-defense; it includes the acknowledgment that the Second Amendment acts as an indispensable check against potential governmental overreach. It serves as a deterrent to those who would prey on the disarmed and upholds the democratic values that form the bedrock of our society.

The Second Amendment's preservation is crucial to our individual liberties, public safety, and the enduring stability of our democratic institutions. An armed citizenry doesn't merely contribute to the security of individuals; it underpins the collective security of our society, acting as a bulwark against the violation of our rights and freedoms.

Moreover, the Second Amendment encourages citizens to be active participants in maintaining their security, rather than passive recipients of state protection. It fosters a sense of personal responsibility and ensures that citizens have the means to protect themselves in the event of immediate danger, especially given that state protection, though essential, is not infallible and often cannot provide immediate assistance in an emergency.

We reiterate that the premise of "give us your weapons, and we'll ensure your protection" is not just flawed, but dangerous. It lacks a reliable measure of performance and offers no recourse for citizens in case of failure. The lessons of history highlight the peril of disarmament and the erosion of personal liberties. It is our responsibility as vigilant citizens to challenge these illusions, safeguard our rights, and uphold the principles enshrined in the Second Amendment, thereby ensuring the continued security and stability of our democratic society."

In fostering a society where citizens are active participants rather than passive recipients of state protection, we encourage personal responsibility and foster a stronger, more resilient community. Each individual has a role to play in the maintenance of democracy and in the safeguarding of their own rights and freedoms.

A Troubling Trend

Today, we are navigating a complex maze of political discourse and societal change, and within this labyrinth, we are witnessing a concerning trend within some segments of the Jewish community. This trend is a deviation from our fundamental principles - individual rights, proactive self-defense, and an unwavering commitment to Jewish safety and well-being. Alarmingly, some individuals exhibit a 'hoplophobic neuroticism', to the point where they would risk their lives rather than adopt a proactive approach to self-defense.

This attitude, held by some Jewish individuals and organizations, is more than troubling - it suggests a potential loss of these non-negotiable values or even a deliberate abandonment of them. They advocate for positions that starkly contradict the essential tenets of Jewish identity and heritage.

This trend is particularly alarming due to its subtlety and seeming inconspicuousness. Its symptoms do not always manifest simultaneously or uniformly; instead, they emerge gradually, becoming more apparent over multiple generations. This insidious deviation from Jewish core principles signals not merely a diversity of opinion, but a profound moral mutation induced by persistent pollution of the mind. For how else does one label a self-imposed existential threat?

This shift's manifestation may be viewed as a complex sociocultural phenomenon, influenced by a range of factors such as shifting socio-political landscapes, external pressures, and changes in global narratives. Its implications, however, are severe - it risks diluting and potentially erasing the foundational Jewish values and beliefs.

These values and beliefs, shaped by Jewish philosophical and theological principles, uphold the supreme importance of preserving life. They underline our collective responsibility to protect not only our own lives but also those of our community members. The Second Amendment, with its guarantee of the right to bear arms, is an instrumental part of this protective framework. Given their history and wisdom, Jews should be at the forefront of protecting and preserving it.

Confronted with this significant yet necessary challenge, the Jewish community must rally together to counteract these troubling trends. We need to reaffirm the fundamental values that define our identity and protect our heritage's integrity. This situation calls for introspection, robust dialogue, and resilience cultivation to ensure that we stay true to our roots, even in the face of mounting adversities.

Our identity is more than an artifact of the past; it is a living testament to our collective resilience, survival, and aspiration for a just and secure future. Protecting, cherishing, and passing this heritage onto future generations, unscathed and undiluted, is a responsibility we all share.

As we traverse the complex terrain of political discourse and societal change, we must remain vigilant of the potential dangers of compromise. Trading freedoms for safety promises is a risky proposition, as freedoms once surrendered are seldom returned without extensive struggle. We should remain wary of easy solutions that require us to forfeit our fundamental rights and question the motives behind such proposals. While compromise is often a necessity in politics, we should never compromise our essential liberties for transient security.


The relationship between the Jewish community and the Second Amendment is a critical dialogue with historical roots and contemporary implications. It is a discourse deeply tied to our historical experience and to our theological and philosophical principles affirming the value of life, the necessity of self-defense, and the essential dignity of everyone. As the Jewish community and society at large navigate this complex issue, it is imperative to approach it with a clear understanding of the historical and modern challenges that underscore the importance of the Second Amendment. A commitment to freedom, democracy, and the lessons of our history - especially those painful lessons engraved in the collective Jewish memory - should guide this ongoing dialogue, steering us toward a future where each individual's safety and dignity are upheld.

The protection of civil liberties, including the right to self-defense, is paramount in safeguarding our democracy. Our arguments for the preservation of the Second Amendment stem not from a desire for violence, but from a recognition born out of centuries-old Jewish wisdom and experience, acknowledging that an armed citizenry serves as a deterrent against those who would exploit the unarmed and vulnerable.

In the face of a troubling rise in antisemitic incidents, we must stand firm in our conviction that we will never be an easy target. While we respect and appreciate the role of law enforcement in maintaining order, we also affirm our right to be the immediate guardians of our safety. The right to bear arms is not an endorsement of aggression, but rather an affirmation of individual liberties and the democratic values that form the bedrock of our society. It is a testament to the enduring Jewish belief in the importance of life, peace, and the pursuit of justice.

In upholding these values, we communicate a clear message to any contemplating acts of hate against us: The Jewish community is not defenseless. We are resilient, we are vigilant, and we will tenaciously defend our lives, our dignity, and our values. This determination reflects not just our commitment to self-defense but our dedication to preserving the peace, justice, and sanctity of life cherished by our ancestors and passed down to us.

(by Edward Meyman)

JPFO's Rabbi Dovid Bendory explains why JPFO was founded, reminds us of
just some of JPFO's terrific accomplishments, and then tells us what
we are facing regarding our Second Amendment rights in the near future.

Additional Reading:

• Halbrook, S. P. (2013). Gun Control in the Third Reich: Disarming the Jews and "Enemies of the State". Independent Institute. Retrieved from
• Meyman, E. (2023). The Second Amendment: Safeguarding Liberty in a Changing World. Kind Sniper.
• Meyman, E. (2023). "If someone comes to kill you, rise up and kill him first" (The Talmud and the Five Elements of Lawful Self-Defense). Kind Sniper.
• CCW Safe. (2021, March 5). The Five Elements of Lawful Self-Defense. CCW Safe.


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