Armed black demonstrators display
egalitarian diversity of right to arms

By David Codrea, August 22nd 2014
JPFO writer contributor, © 2014.
"Two dozen protesters from a gun club named for the founder of the Black Panther Party marched through the streets of South Dallas," Dallas News reported Wednesday. "The open-carry rally was organized by the Huey P. Newton Gun Club to promote self-defense and community policing in response to recent police shootings."
"We think that all black people have the right to self defense and self determination," demonstration organizer Huey Freeman said in an on-camera interview (and whether that's actually his name or the reporter is simply unfamiliar with the protagonist of "The Boondocks" is unclear at this writing). "We believe that we can police ourselves and bring security to our own communities."
"What If the Tea Party Were Black?" an AlterNet hit piece on right to keep and bear arms defenders asked, echoing a common indictment among ""progressives" in a hope to discover and point out racist hypocrisy – either that or just smear us with the presumptions of their own imaginations. "Imagine that hundreds of black protesters descended on DC armed with AK-47s. Would they be defended as patriotic Americans?"
I addressed that question in principle many years ago, on the pioneering (and long-discontinued) website in an essay titled "What the Panther Taught the Eagle: A Modern Folk Tale." It involved about 50 armed members of the New Black Panthers who were counter-demonstrating against the Ku Klux Klan in Jasper, Texas, after James Byrd, a black man, had been kidnapped by three racist whites, chained to the back of a truck, dragged for miles down a country road and decapitated upon hitting a culvert.
"The Panther's historic affinity for Marxist dogma notwithstanding, their stand demonstrates the true meaning and power behind the Second Amendment's guarantee that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." I wrote at the time. "The truth is, the Panthers applied the right to bear arms in exactly the way it was intended to be – in defense of their lives and their rights. Their presence deterred violence against them. They did not engage in unwarranted violence. Their stand should be applauded as an example by all who believe that this is a right of all free people."
That holds true for yesterday's marchers in South Dallas, as well. And it has been proponents of the right to keep and bear arms for all, the true standard for egalitarian power sharing, who have decried the racist roots of "gun control" and applauded champions of civil rights such as the Deacons for Defense and Justice. Conversely, it is "monopoly of violence"-demanding "liberals" who have consistently fought against communities with high concentrations of minorities recognizing that right, and it is they who have subjected black gun rights activists to racist attacks for daring to wander off the "progressive" plantation.
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership has been at the forefront of educating people to the racist evils of
"gun control" since the late Aaron Zelman founded the group. Knowing how disarmament has been instrumental in committing unspeakable evil against minorities throughout the Twentieth Century and beyond, JPFO produced the landmark "No Guns for Negroes" to document how anti-gun edicts have and are used to discriminate against blacks and to allow for continued victimization.
But back to the armed Texas demonstrators: Isn't pointing to them as an example dangerous? What if violence erupts? Won't I, or more damaging to the cause, won't JPFO share moral culpability for the outcome?
Not at all. Honest liberty advocates laud natural and civil rights being exercised, not crimes being committed that take advantage of the trust that must come with freedom. If rights are abused, we condemn the individual abusers, not the right. And skin color has nothing to do with any of that – unless you're a "progressive" and want to have something to cynically exploit.
So isn't it telling that Quannel X, "leader" of the New Black Panther Party (a group even the Southern Poverty Law Center characterizes as "a virulently racist and anti-Semitic organization whose leaders have encouraged violence against whites, Jews and law enforcement officers"),
won't afford Open Carry Texas, an organization open to all, with no racial identity restrictions, the same recognition of rights that he claims for his group? And isn't it curious that Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee only insists it's the peaceable armed marches by that group which "need to be canceled"?
David Codrea is a field editor at GUNS Magazine, penning their monthly "Rights Watch" column. He provides regular reporting and commentary at Gun Rights Examiner and blogs at The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance. David Codrea's Archive page.

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