Secretive "Gun Control" Cabal Threatens Liberty
by its Agenda, and by its Methods

By Kurt Hofmann, December 24th, 2014
JPFO writer contributor, © 2014.
On December 8, the new "gun control" group, "American State Legislators for Gun Violence Prevention" (ASLGVP--catchy name) announced its presence. The group claims a membership of nearly 200, from all 50 states, plus the District of Columbia and the territory of Puerto Rico. As reported by Talk Radio News Service:
State Legislators from across the U.S. announced the creation of a nonpartisan coalition focused on gun violence prevention Monday.

The group, dubbed American State Legislators For Gun Violence Prevention (ASLGVP), said that they feel the need to take action seeing as, "Congress [has] failed in its responsibility to do something about this issue [of gun violence]."

Dave Workman
So who are these "nearly 200" members? Well, that's where it gets tricky. They're not saying, apart from the eight who participated in the initial announcement. And why would that be, you ask? Because, reports Seattle Gun Rights Examiner Dave Workman, the secret members fear "political backlash" if they are identified.
And that's a problem. When elected officials undertake actions that they fear would anger those they claim to "represent"--fear so strongly, in fact, that they seek to hide their involvement from the voters--they dodge accountability for their actions. The residents of these legislators' states are their employers--their superiors. In what other line of work is it acceptable for the hired help to do their jobs in a manner that's hidden from their employers?
Workman notes also that the secrecy does not stop there. The group's funding is also classified. Funny--I remember when lifting the veil of secrecy covering the sources of money in politics was supposedly a major priority among "progressives"--the same folks for whom "gun control" tends to be such a priority.
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Assyman Brian Kavanagh (D-NY) |
Rep. Barbara Bollier (R-KS) |
Sen. José Rodriguez (D-TX) |
Rep. Renny Cushing (D-NH) |
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Rep. Merika Coleman-Evans (D-AL) |
Rep. Stacey Newman (D-MO) |
Sen. Adam Ebbin (D-VA) |
Sen. Vince Fort (D-GA) |
Not quite all the members are hiding like cockroaches. The
group's press release names seven. They are: New York State Assemblyman and ASLGVP founder and Chair, Brian Kavanagh (D), Kansas State Representative Barbara Bollier (R), Texas State Senator José R. Rodriguez (D), New Hampshire State Representative Renny Cushing (D), Alabama State Representative Merika Coleman-Evans (D), Missouri State Representative Stacey Newman (D), and Virginia State Senator Adam Ebbin (D). Not mentioned in the press release, but appearing and speaking at the press conference, was Georgia State Senator Vince Fort (D).
Readers may notice the one "(R)" in the above list, Kansas Rep. Barbara Bollier. That--one Republican and seven Democrats--apparently qualifies as "bipartisan."
None would seem to be particularly surprising as members of the group. JPFO contributor Nicki Kenyon describes founding members Kavanagh and Ebbin:
Ebbin is known for his "undercover video" in which he purchases a 30-round "
extended clip" (is that like an assault clip?) without a background check. *GASP!*

Kavanagh's latest claim to gun-grabbing fame is the introduction of a bill that would allow anyone who is concerned paranoid and hoplophobic to report anyone else to a court in order to persuade the court to issue a temporary order preventing the person from acquiring or possessing guns.
We also know a bit about their pet RINO--oops, Republican. When Kansas was in the process of passing one of the nation's strongest "Firearms Freedom Acts" (state legislation that declares federal gun laws inapplicable to guns manufactured in the state, and not moving in interstate commerce, since the only federal authority over guns rests on the interstate commerce clause of the Constitution), Rep. Bollier expressed the peculiar fear that such a law would make Kansas more attractive to terrorists. From the Huffington Post:
"When you have gun laws that are separate and say that people don't have to follow federal law, what terrorist wouldn't want to set up shop here?" Bollier said. "That to me is the frightening thing. We had the Oklahoma bombers set up here in Kansas. I don't see why we want to encourage the possibility."
We are told, remember, that in the dozens of states that have not closed the mythical "gun show loophole," aspiring terrorists can buy whatever firearms they want, including
fully automatic guns, "without a background check, and most likely without having to show an identification card." How, then, would blocking enforcement of federal regulation of guns made in Kansas make any difference to terrorists?
Georgia State Senator Vince Fort has an . . . interesting history. Not only a big fan of banning so-called "assault weapons," he was also one of the two "Nay" votes (versus 47 "Yays") against a bill that would ban implanting microchips in people against their will. A true freedom lover, obviously.
JPFO contributor Claire Wolfe has long argued that, "Secret government is tyrannical government." It's tyrannical, because only government by the people, is not tyrannical. And government is not "by the people" when "the people" are not even allowed to know what their servants in government are doing. ASLGVP's forcible citizen disarmament agenda is an attack on liberty, as are the methods by which they seek to advance that agenda.
A former paratrooper, Kurt Hofmann was paralyzed in a car accident in 2002. The helplessness inherent to confinement to a wheelchair prompted him to explore armed self-defense, only to discover that Illinois denies that right, inspiring him to become active in gun rights advocacy. He also writes the St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner column. Kurt Hofmann Archive.

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