JPFO 25th-Anniversary Life Membership Deal
Special member package -- All sold

Have you been considering a JPFO Life Membership? Well, your wait is over. We're now offering 10 -- just 10, no more -- special Life Membership packages loaded with extra value. (NOTE: When the limit is reached the store page will close - we are now down to just 1 remaining).
The first 10 people to choose Life Membership and pay in full get all this:
♦ JPFO Life Membership -- $500.00 value.
♦ Izula™ knife and sheath with JPFO logo -- Made especially for us by Esee Knives. When we recently offered these for $35, they sold out in less than 48 hours. We saved a few just for this package.

♦ JPFO 25th-Anniversary Tee shirt -- A $18.95 value (but available only to donors and with this special lifetime membership package).

♦ Gun control in the Third Reich -- The new book by noted Second Amendment scholar Stephen Halbrook. A $21.95 value.

♦ Waco A New Revelation DVD -- A $12.95 value.
♦ Your own JPFO 25th Anniversary commemorative pen -- We can't tell you the value of this because it's not available for purchase and there's nothing else like it. But we promise you'll enjoy writing with this fine quality pen that proudly displays the JPFO logo.
You get ALL THIS with your paid-in-full Life Membership. Just $500 for nearly $600 worth of value.
Only 10 of these special packages will be sold, so get yours NOW. Order here. (If any problems, call the JPFO order line: 800-869-1884).

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