JPFO Donation Options Information
(To answer a question we get frequently: You do NOT have to be Jewish to join JPFO!)

This page is an adjunct to our membership page - to expand on options for donations to JPFO. Apart from direct donations using the JPFO Store
Also of course, donations may be made either by mailing a check to JPFO. Inc. at - 12500 NE 10th Pl Bellevue, WA 98005, or call the JPFO order line - (800) 869-1884 during PST office hours.

Please check with your employer to see if they offer a Matching Gifts program, whereby if you as an employee donate to JPFO, the employer will match that by some percentage - often as much as 20%.
Some of the organizations we are working with now are:
Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign, Levi Strauss & Company, Microsoft Giving, Thrivent Lutheran Services, Mission Fish, American Airlines, Bank of America.

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