JPFO's Member Forum

The "Member Forum" is not a forum in the usual sense but a platform for JPFO members to offer their own articles, to aid in the total destruction of "gun control". We encourage you to participate. Here's how it works:
You must be a member of JPFO (no exceptions!)
The article you submit must be firearms related, well researched & precise, using factual information. Do not submit articles that you have not authored yourself.
Fax articles to (425) 451-3959, or send them via U.S. mail to P.O. Box 270143, Hartford, WI 53027. Please do not submit articles by e-mail, although if you have an idea and some sample content for an initial critique then email can suffice for a first stage.
JPFO's Public Affairs Director, will determine which articles are suitable for posting on our web site. Please call (800) 869-1884 if you need more information regarding "The Member Forum".

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