No Guns for Negroes

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JPFO gladly offers this film free for you to watch and use, but it was not free for us to produce. Please help support our efforts and visit the MEMBERSHIP and/or DONATIONS pages at the JPFO Store.
JPFO's latest movie exposes the racist history of American gun control laws.

JPFO is proud to announce another movie,
made possible by our members and supporters
"No Guns for Negroes " exposes the racist history of American gun control laws. Every person who supports gun control laws must be shown this film or gun ownership will cease to exist in America. NEW - Read a very relevant article - "The Racist Roots of Gun Control" by Clayton E. Cramer.
Don't become a former gun owner because you chose not to show "No Guns for Negroes "to every one you know.
We encourage the widest distribution of this 20 minute film - pass it on to everyone on your list. Even if you do not have a DVD copy, store a digital file copy on your USB flash stick so you can keep it handy to show to others on their computers and pass on.
You have three main options for viewing or download, so please follow whichever best suits your wishes, and download - bandwidth options. (Note - ultra small file option for emailing, bottom of page).
For more detailed suggestions on downloading files instead of just viewing, so they can be stored on your own computer for later viewing, check out the JPFO help page. Please email us if you have any obvious link problems.
We'd still appreciate further contributions to help defray the costs of this production and thanks to all who have so far helped and those who can still help. Don't forget to learn more about other JPFO films. (Be sure you have seen JPFO's award winning "2A Today for The USA" as well.)
A FREE, high-quality DVD of "No Guns for Negroes" is yours with a one-year JPFO membership. Make a two-year commitment and you also get a FREE copy of the award winning “2A Today for the USA”, another pro-2A film released just before “No Guns for Negroes”. Together, the films are a devastating “one-two” punch. Store membership index page.

Viewing Options
Watch in two parts on YouTube - Part One, Part Two.
File Download Options
For PC users we offer a WMV file for download as follows -
No Guns for Negroes at 36Mb.
For Macintosh Quicktime users, an MP4 file -
No Guns for Negroes at 57Mb.
Very small file for use as an email attachment if needed.
Email This Very Small File
This very reduced size file should be small enough for people to attach to emails as a trailer and so pass on easily by that means to help promote it.
Therefore -
download this 5.25Mb WMV file, which is extremely heavily compressed but just adequate to allow for a first viewing, after which a visit to this page (please always add this page link) will permit choice of a better quality edition.
Display size is 192 x 144, which if not expanded will still give enough of a watchable 20 minute viewing to enable understanding of the film's essential message. To get this small unfortunately means it may not run on Macs - unless there is "flip4mac" application installed.

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