JPFO responds to Jewish Democrat
group’s twisted accusation.
by Rabbi Dovid Bendory, Rabbinic Director,
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership.
Copyright 2011 JPFO

The National Jewish Democratic Council has gratuitously attacked JPFO in a blog posting. Here’s their attack:
(Portions of the NJDC commentary are presented below and are followed by comments from JPFO’s Rabbinic Director.)

NJDC Denounces Depiction of Eric Holder in Nazi Uniform
NJDC — October 12, 2011 – 11:17 am
"The National Jewish Democratic Council denounces the photo shopped images of Attorney General Eric Holder as a Nazi and former Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives head Ken Melson as Nuremberg defendant as posted by Mike Vanderboegh—a right wing blogger who has appeared recently on Fox News and was honored in September by Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO)."
"Unfortunately, after allowing individuals such as Glenn Beck and Hank Williams, Jr. to use Holocaust rhetoric during their appearances on the air, it is unlikely that Fox News will do the right thing and repudiate Vanderboegh. Indeed, Fox News’ own chief executive compared NPR executives to the Nazis and lashed out at those criticizing the network for allowing such behavior to take place.
That leaves JPFO—a Jewish group that recently awarded Vanderboegh — to act responsibly and make it clear that his behavior is unacceptable."
[The full article can be found here.]
JPFO’s response:
The NJDC has orchestrated a blatant distraction.
The National Jewish Democratic Council, along with every other left wing anti-gun group, is desperately trying to distract Americans from the felonious scandal known as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives’ (BATFE’s) "Fast and Furious".
Note that the NJDC does not mention why JPFO gave the "David and Goliath Award" to Vanderboegh (and his associate David Codrea). The fact is that Vanderboegh and Codrea unearthed an international political and law enforcement scandal that makes Watergate look like school yard hijinks. [Learn more about the award.]
The NJDC insinuates that JPFO is somehow involved with the satirical images that it (NJDC) finds distasteful … or that we even presented an award for the satire. In fact, the award we presented -- which predates the satire in question -- was for exposing a scandal far darker than any satire anyone could possibly create with photoshop.
For the record, Vanderboegh described in historical detail the reason for his satirical images. Any Holocaust connection is a ludicrous stretch:
Eric Holder is covering up "Fast and Furious" and he will perhaps be tossed under the bus by his Superior. Vanderboegh likens Holder’s dilemma to Hitler’s orders to Nazi General von Paulus at Stalingrad to fight down to the last man. Vanderboegh compared Eric Holder’s hopeless situation to that of a general in a suicidal battle. This is "Holocaust rhetoric"?
Or perhaps the comparison has its merits? Holder’s final fate will likely have much to do with what he has on his boss. After all, a finger pointed at the Oval Office might keep Holder out of jail. Could it be that -- in Vanderboegh’s words -- Eric Holder has been sent on a suicide mission, having been "assigned by Barack Obama to defend the DOJ kessel of the Gunwalker Plot Cover-up to the last man"?
Vanderboegh then compared ex-BATFE Acting Director Kenneth Melson (he finally got "reassigned", we should remember) to a defendant in a war crimes tribunal. Might this comparison also be appropriate? Maybe the National Jewish Democratic Council should ask the Attorney General of Mexico -- or the families of any of the victims murdered by drug runners armed by the BATFE in Fast and Furious -- if they would like to see charges filed against Melson or Holder?
Could it be that NJDC simply doesn’t want America to pay attention to what happened in Fast and Furious? Or to what this grotesque operation says about the Obama administration?
Someone very high up gave the order to launch "Fast and Furious". If Holder knew about it, his order was criminal; if he didn’t, he was criminally negligent in his oversight of BATFE (or of his own DOJ, if the orders originated there). Instead of attacking Vanderboegh for his satire or attempting to besmirch JPFO for awarding Vanderboegh’s history making journalism, why doesn’t the NJDC go after the truth in "Fast and Furious"?
We at JPFO emphatically stand by our award to Mike Vanderboegh and David Codrea, and furthermore we hope that both these freedom loving Americans will someday be considered for Pulitzer Prizes for their outstanding investigative work.
We are repulsed by the orchestrated distraction and moral corruption demonstrated by those who support the Obama Administration and its perverse ethics in this matter.
"Fast and Furious" functioned as an evidence planting scheme that would support the Obama administration’s lies regarding the supply of American guns to the Mexican drug cartels.
The lie seemed to be working as the BATFE knowingly planted thousands of guns in the hands of the murderous cartels. As could be expected, those guns surfaced in crime scenes that involved the murders of hundreds of innocents. Were it not for patriots like Mike Vanderboegh, David Codrea, and a small and courageous group of honest BATFE agents (who broke the story to Vanderboegh) this administration would still embrace the evil and bloody manipulations of "Fast and Furious".
I beseech American Jews to distance themselves from organizations like NJDC that support the "Fast and Furious" regime. Visit the web site of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership ( Educate yourselves about the BATFE. And then wake up!
Blessings and Shalom,

Rabbi Dovid Bendory
Rabbinic Director
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

Rabbi Bendory is an NRA Certified Firearms Instructor.
The Rabbi's Archive page.
© Copyright Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership 2011.
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