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October 27th, 2011

JPFO responds to Jewish Democrat
group’s twisted accusation.

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The National Jewish Democratic Council has laid a ridiculous accusation at JPFO’s doorstep. Our Rabbi Dovid Bendory has some sharp words for NJDC.

"The National Jewish Democratic Council, along with every other left wing anti-gun group, is desperately trying to distract Americans from the felonious scandal known as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives’ (BATFE’s) ‘Fast and Furious’." Go here to read more.

EXTRA: Rabbi Dovid Bendory, JPFO’s Rabbinic Director, talks with Charles Heller, host of Liberty Watch Radio "Armed and Free". Discussion centers around Second Amendment matters, JPFO, and in particular the apparent excess of anti-gun sentiment in the Jewish community. Listen currently on the homepage upper right column, or visit the Talkin’ to America page where it is archived.


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