UN Arms Control Index Page

This page is to index information we present regarding the UN Arms Control Treaty
and the serious risks it could present to the safety of The Second Amendment.
(A subject which is in part allied to this is BATFE and its Gun Registration)
From Gun Reports.com — "We remain increasingly concerned that ongoing efforts to restrict or ban the civilian and private ownership of firearms taking place at the United Nations will severely restrict and frustrate the lawful international commerce in sporting firearms and ammunition products and undermine the United States' national sovereignty and America's cherished firearms freedoms protected by the Second Amendment and our hunting and shooting sports heritage," Read this >archived article, including the PDF that is linked to within.
An open Letter from JPFO to Gov Tim Pawlenty of MN - bringing up the subject of Barbara Frey and her views. This was initiated thru thealert of March 2nd 2010 and followed up by the alert of March 22nd 2010.
An article by Kirby Ferris – "The Enemy Within" - looking at Barbara Frey who seems to endorse such measures as a UN Small Arms Treaty. Follows alert20100212 promotion (The UN Gun Ban Treaty is Closer Than you Think).
International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) – An index page on UN matters with links to previous General Assembly meetings etc.
International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) – A page concerning voting results from various countries.
United Nations General Assembly - Sixty-fourth General Assembly Meeting Oct 21st 2009, with details about contributors.
First Committee Monitor – A report on the UN General Assembly First Committee on Disarmamament and International Security dated Oct 12th 2009. Take special note of Section 13, dealing with small arms and light weapons.
These links below are to much earlier material that has covered the UN Small Arms subject in some way - there will be some in old format and there may also be expired links, but they are however still of use for research ......
alert20010512 | alert20010525 | alert20010529 | alert20010531 | alert20010705 | alert20010723
undisarm | alert20060523 | alert20060608 | alert20060619.htm
alert20060712 | alert20070330

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